Mission Statement: Provides sacramental, catechetical, and evangelical services for Spanish speaking residents in Central New York. Operates as a non-geographic, worshiping and teaching community.
Spanish Apostolate - Utica
Historic Old St. John Church
240 Bleecker Street
Utica, N.Y. 13501
T: (315) 724-0389
Website: https://www.historicoldstjohnschurch.com/
Mission Statement: Provides sacramental, catechetical, and evangelical services for Spanish-speaking residents in Central New York; operates as a non-geographic, worshiping and teaching community.
2nd Telephone - (315) 738-1870
Spanish Masses are celebrated on Sunday evenings at 7pm.
Spanish Apostolate -Syracuse
St. Anthony of Padua Church
1515 Midland Avenue
Syracuse, N.Y. 13205
Rev. Brendan Foley
T: (315) 475-4114
Website: https://stanthonysyr.org/
Mission Statement: Provides sacramental, catechetical, and evangelical services for Spanish-speaking residents in Central New York; operates as a non-geographic, worshiping and teaching community.
Spanish Masses are celebrated Sundays at 11am and bilingual Masses are celebrated during most Holy Days.