The Office of Adult and Ministerial Formation assists and supports parishes/Pastoral Care Areas (PCAs) and Vicariates in meeting the need for ongoing formation and accompaniment of adults and provides education and training to lay adult Catholics to prepare them to share the Gospel as lay ministers and deacons through the Formation for Ministry program.
The Formation for Ministry program provides education, ministerial training, field experience, and spiritual preparation for adult Catholics, leading to certification and commissioning by the diocesan bishop in a specialized area of ministry. The program prepares candidates to assist pastors in serving the needs of a parish or pastoral care area. It also serves as the first two years of deacon formation.
Formation for Ministry also offers learning opportunities for adult Catholics who seek to learn more about their faith for their own personal enrichment.
It’s no secret, the fastest growing population in our Church, sadly, are those who have left the Church. These may include our grown children, a spouse, a parent or grandparent, another relative, or a close friend. No generation has been immune from this departure.
Let’s turn our sadness into HOPE by taking a deep dive into understanding that God works through everyone - including YOU - to act as His hand, open and outstretched, to meet people where they are, ready to listen to their story, joyfully prepared for an encounter with our sisters and brothers who have left, to welcome them home.