Press Release
Contact: Danielle Cummings
Chancellor/Director of Communications
(315) 470.1476
November 13, 2019
Syracuse New York – A Healing Service for Victim-Survivors of Clergy Sexual Abuse will be held on Thursday, November 14, 7pm at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, 1736 Burrstone Road, New Hartford. The service was planned by two victim-survivors of clergy sexual abuse. Dan Paden and Matt FitzGibbons, both survivors of abuse in the Diocese of Syracuse, have taken the lead in offering an approach of forgiveness and healing to the current issue of abuse. In September of this year, they held a joint press conference at the Syracuse Marriott to openly discuss the affects of their abuse on their lives and their journey to survive and heal.
The prayer service is open to all who are affected in any way by clergy sexual abuse or any sexual abuse. Father John Rose will serve as the presider of the service which will include song, reflection, prayers and a ritual to help people begin to address the issue in their lives.
Matt FitzGibbons and Dan Paden are available for interview prior to the Healing Service. The healing service is open to journalists, but cameras are not allowed in order to maintain the privacy of those in attendance.
The Diocese of Syracuse is committed to assisting victims of clergy sexual abuse with their healing and to preventing abuse from occurring through its safe environment programs. For more information, visit the Diocese of Syracuse’s website at /safe-environment-week .