Bishop Robert J. Cunningham offered the following statement in response to the Jan. 22 passing of the Reproductive Health Act:
Today, New York State has failed women and their unborn babies by passing and signing the Reproductive Health Act. As Catholics, we must continue to preach the Gospel of life. We must also continue to work towards policies that protect and uphold the dignity of all human life, from the moment of conception to natural death. Here in the Diocese of Syracuse, we will continue to offer resources, services, and support for any woman experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. Today, I not only call upon the faithful to pray, but to assist me in spreading the word about the resources available to any woman considering an abortion. I am grateful to pro-life New Yorkers who made their voices heard in an effort to stop the expansion of our state’s already far too expansive abortion laws. Please join me in prayer for a conversion of hearts for those celebrating this horrific moment in history.